Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quick update!

The month of December has FLOWN by! Hasn't it?  With all 4 Reilly kids' birthdays, Christmas, and a busy month a work, that whole wedding thing has taken a back seat ;)  But we have hit some other major milestones ( least they are to us!).

  • ALL THE SAVE THE DATES ARE MAILED.  Man, we had been like 95% done for.eve.r.  But now I can say, it, we're DONE.
  • Adam started looking at suits for the dudes! I'm actually really excited about how cute these guys will look :)
  • We have a design for the CAKE and I didn't think I'd be this excited about the cake, but I am. And, it'll taste as good as it looks. Amen.
  • We met again with our amazing, sweet, super organized & creative day-of-coordinator!  We got some GREAT ideas for the wedding! And she helped calm our nerves about all that we have left to do (thanks Kate!)
Things still outstanding (...well at least the BIG stuff): wedding invites (but we're soooo close!), the get-away car (another post on that coming up), signs for the wedding (menus, placecards, etc.), my hair & make-up (remember my wedding nightmares? haha, let's hope they don't come true!), and the honeymoon!  Luckily the honey has been doing TONS and TONS of research and we've been able to at least scratch a few places off our list (our #1 had been Thailand, but May is the beginning of the rainy season...BUMMER.  Adam's sister spent a few weeks in Thailand last year and it sounds absolutely amazing).  Now we're focusing on Hawaii, and still some of the islands in the Caribbean.

This Christmas season has me so thankful for our close family & friends! Everyone is being so supportive during this planning process - thank you all for helping us keep the stress level to a minimum!  I'm sure 2011 will bring along even more to-do's! ;)

And a HUGE shout out to all my dear friends who have gotten engaged & married recently - love is in the AIR.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Wedding Nightmares

I've read about them, and now I've started having my nightmares(!!!).  I've only had a few, but they all include:

  • Everything running extremely behind schedule
  • Adam hanging out with me WHILE I'm getting ready (we're going to stay traditional and have the first time we see each other be walking down the aisle!)
  • Having no one to help with my hair & make-up
  • Not having the right shoes...or any to wear (thankfully, that won't happen...just got my wedding shoes, yes!)
My mom and Meredith assure me they won't let any of the above actually happen, but still! It's consuming my thoughts, eeeka!

Besides wedding nightmares, we've done some other things for the big day!  The Saturday after Thanksgiving we went back to KFV, did some wine tasting, and chose the wines to be served at the wedding!  'Twas a very fun task, and I think our guests will be happy with the vinos we've selected.  With the holidays coming up, and the countdown to 2011 quickly approaching, we are trying very hard to make sure we've got everything covered!  I see many very busy weekends in our future... ;)

Happy Holidays!